Customer engagement
Beedata solutions
Hyper-personalized energy reports, for all your customers.
Share customized energy reports to all your customers, and select relevant information depending on their delivery moment.
How does it works?
1. Identify key moments of contact with your customers
2. Select in our catalog of components the information you would like to share, or create new ones depending on your needs.
3. Send your customers a unique and exclusive energy report!
Detailed analysis according to your customer's profile
Every action shared with your customers is based on their energy behavior and cost schemes, creating unique and meaningful Bee Reports for each one of them.
Reports for residential customers
- Energy consumption evolution
- Evolution and distribution of costs
- Average consumption profile
- Tariff optimization
- Energy saving tips
- Advertising banners...
Reports for industrial customers
- Energy consumption evolution
- Evolution and distribution of costs
- Analysis of contracted power
- Contracted power optimization
- Reactive energy monitoring
- Energy saving tips
- Advertising banners...
Personal client area, for a successful customer service.
Provide your customers with a useful and detailed customer area, allowing them to have 24-hour access to a wide range of information on their energy profile.
Provide your customers with quick and detailed access to their energy profile
- Energy consumption evolution
- Energy saving actions
- Understanding the bill
- Advertising banners...
Turnkey solution, offering substantial cost and time savings
- Decrease your customer care costs by delivering valuable information at all time
- Easy to embed to your existing web site, achieving results quickly
Beedata's new web app, for maximum customer engagement
Choose the physical support that best meets your customers needs ensuring a non intrusive and easy access to their energy profile.
Daily and dynamic energy information, for an optimal management
- Expected customer energy profile
- Distribution of energy consumption by price range
- Total consumption and cost during the last month
- Bill expectation
- Effective and engaging communications through pop-up screens
Useful energy tips to conserve energy and save on your bill
- Custom list of household appliances
- Recommended hours of consumption for each appliance
- Display financial savings by action taken
A versatile solution, adaptable to your user's profile
Wep app for customers with indexed prices, to better manage their consumption allowing cost reduction and transparency.