INCOMUNER 4.0 – Management of industrial energy communities

4 July 2022

Management tools for industrial energy communities 4.0

The INCOMUNER 4.0 project aims to develop an application for the integrated management of energy communities in the context of industrial parks.

The tool contemplates 3 complementary functional layers aimed at: (1) community managers (Community Environment); (2) community partners (Partners Environment); and (3) society as a whole (Public Environment).

1. The Community Environment

The Community Environment will allow the local energy community manager to monitor the status of the community at different levels.

At the energy level to analyze consumption-generation balances, energy and performance indicators. At the economic level with economic indicators, calculation of amortization, generation of invoices, etc. It will also allow to optimize the operation of the installations by defining the most suitable distribution coefficients.

2. The Partner Environment

The Partner Environment that will allow the economic-energetic monitoring of consumption, generation and self-consumption for each of the members-users participating in the community, as well as the provision of support resources for active management such as reports with proposals for changes in consumption schedules to maximize self-consumption and minimize cost, as well as gadgets in the form of magnetic devices with NFC technology that link to the cell phone and automatic opening of the partner environment application itself.

3. The Public Environment

And finally, the public environment from which the community reports to society its results in the form of generation, self-consumption and reduction of C02 emissions obtained.

The development of the application will be based on a complete analysis of the state of the art of energy communities in Spain and the typification and development of existing business, legal and governance models. Based on these models, an inventory of requirements will be made, and subsequently, a detailed functional design of those that are considered to be the highest priority.

Based on this, the entire economic-financial model will be parameterized according to the types of Communities identified in order to be able to manage and monitor the Community’s finances and generate internal invoicing.

It will also include the development and implementation of several calculation algorithms that allow the optimization of installations and consumptions, such as:

  1. Optimization of hourly sharing coefficients among members throughout the life cycle of the community;
  2. Calculation of generation and consumption baselines for operation monitoring and usage optimization;
  3. Supervision of the operation and optimization of the use of the energy generated by the community facilities. The application will be tested in the framework of an industrial park in Navarra with the participation of the industries present, combining concept testing with testing of calculation algorithms and use of the application.

This project is approved in the call corresponding to the year 2022 of the aids established to support Innovative Business Groups in order to improve the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises.


March 2022 to December 2022


Project funded by:

For more information about the project, please contact us!